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In most cases, once direct links to contents pages have been extracted, this is a straightforward task that boils down to running cas_download().

It is worth mentioning that castarter downloads files in batches, each going to its own folder. This can be customised and may be helpful in containing the number of files stored in a single folder. Also, if we realise that there’s some issue due to connection or server issue in a given batch, it may be easier to just delete a whole download batch and download it anew.

This also implies that is possible to download the same page more than once, each in its own batch, which can be useful in particular for recurrent web scraping tasks.

By default, castarter stores a log the download process, including the time when any given page has been retrieved or if the server has given some error message.

Let’s see the process in action.

Downloading file

In the following code chunk we’ll just enable the settings for one of the projects used in previous articles, and then download files.


  base_folder = fs::path(
  project = "european_union",
  website = "european_parliament_paginated"


Logs about the download process are stored in the local database and can be accessed as follows:

Notice that id can be used to match with all other data we have (at this stage, url and index page from where that url has been extracted). Combinations of id and batch, conceptually, must be unique.

Other user cases