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Your project folder can be anywhwere on your file system. Considering that this is where possibly a very large number of html files will be downloaded, it is usually preferrable to choose a location that is not included in live backups. These settings determine the names given to these hierarchical folders: website folder will be under project folder which will be under the base_folder.


  project = NULL,
  website = NULL,
  use_db = TRUE,
  base_folder = NULL,
  db_type = "SQLite",
  db_folder = NULL



Defaults to NULL. Project name, can be set once per session with cas_set_options(). This will be used as first level folder and may be used elsewhere to describe the dataset.


Defaults to NULL. Website name, can be set once per session with cas_set_options(). This will be used as a second level folder and may be used elsewhere to describe the dataset.


Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, stores information about the download process and extracted text in a local database.


Defaults to NULL, can be set once per session with cas_set_options(). A path to a location used for storing html and other project files. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. If not given, and not previously set as environment variable, defaults to castarter_data.


Defaults to NULL. can be set once per session with cas_set_options() or cas_set_db_folder(). A path to a location used for storing the database. If not given, and not previously set as environment variable, defaults to castarter_data.


Nothing, used for its side effects (setting options).

See also

Other settings: cas_get_options()


cas_set_options(base_folder = fs::path(fs::path_temp(), "castarter_data"))
cas_options_list <- cas_get_options()
#> $project
#> [1] "example_project"
#> $website
#> [1] "example_website"
#> $use_db
#> [1] TRUE
#> $base_folder
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp1QODEK/castarter_data"
#> $db_type
#> [1] "SQLite"
#> $db_folder
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp1QODEK/cas_data"