Downloads one file at a time with chromote
Downloads one file at a time with chromote
download_df = NULL,
index = FALSE,
index_group = NULL,
overwrite_file = FALSE,
ignore_id = TRUE,
wait = 1,
db_connection = NULL,
sample = FALSE,
file_format = "html",
disconnect_db = FALSE,
- download_df
A data frame with four columns:
.- index
Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, downloaded files will be considered
files. If not, they will be consideredcontents
files. See Readme for a more extensive explanation.- overwrite_file
Logical, defaults to FALSE.
- wait
Defaults to 1. Number of seconds to wait between downloading one page and the next. Can be increased to reduce server load, or can be set to 0 when this is not an issue.
- db_connection
Defaults to NULL. If NULL, uses local SQLite database. If given, must be a connection object or a list with relevant connection settings (see example).
- sample
Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, the download order is randomised. If a numeric is given, the download order is randomised and at most the given number of items is downloaded.
- disconnect_db
Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, leaves the connection to database open.
- ...
Passed to